Eligibility Criteria

To participate in the Intimate Partner Violence Intervention Court (IPVIC), the accused must:

  • be an adult (18+ years);
  • be charged with an intimate violence offence(s) which includes any offence involving an intimate partner or ex-partner;
  • be charged with an offence(s) that is eligible for a conditional sentence as set in section Criminal Code (justice.gc.ca) ;
  • participate in a risk assessment (RA) and the results of the RA must show that the risk level is appropriate for the Intimate Partner Violence programming being offered;
  • accept responsibility for their actions by pleading guilty;
  • agree to participate in Intimate Partner Violence programming;
  • agree to bail supervision by Corrections and Community Services; and,
  • the Accused must agree to information sharing amongst the IPVIC team and sign any required consent forms.