About this Database

How quickly are decisions published?
The Court usually publishes decisions as soon as it has notified the parties of the result.

Does this database contain exact copies of the Court’s official decisions?
No. The decisions in this database are edited from time to time to incorporate subsequent corrections and to redact personal information or information that is subject to a publication ban.

Does this database contain all NLCA decisions?
No. This database does not contain decisions in appeals filed before January 2009 or some decisions that contain information subject to a publication ban. Older decisions, or redacted editions of decisions that are subject to a publication ban, may be available at http://www.canlii.org/en/nl/nlca/ .

Where can I find other cases, statutes, regulations, or commentary?
Other useful research sources include

How can I report an error in this site?
If you believe the database contains an error, please contact the registry at (709) 729-0066 or coaregistry@appeal.court.nl.ca.

How can I search the decision database?
The decision database includes the following search tools:

  • Searching distinct words
    e.g. Searching This is a test will match records with any of the four words
  • Searching a literal phrase for exact matches by using quotation marks
    e.g. Searching “This is a test” will match records with the exact phrase in quotation marks (the data base does not respond to capitalization)
  • A plus sign before a word or quoted phrase can be used to indicate that it MUST occur in the searched document
    e.g. Using the search term This +is a +”test phrase” will match documents with ‘is’ and ‘test phrase’ as mandatory and ‘This’ and ‘a’ as optional
  • A minus sign before a word or quoted phrase can be used to indicate that it MUST NOT occur in the searched document
    e.g. The search term This –is +a –”test phrase” will match documents which have ‘This’ (optional) and ‘a’ (mandatory) but which must not contain the word ‘is’ or the phrase ‘test phrase’
  • A question mark is unnecessary, but for the sake of completeness, if it is included, it will indicate that a word or quoted phrase is optional.
    e.g. Using the search term ?This ?is ?a ?test is equivalent to the search term This is a test

How can I keep track of the Court’s decisions or activities?
For recent decisions, upcoming hearings, changed rules, and general news, please follow us on Twitter @nlcaupdates

Other questions?
If you have other questions about the database or the Court generally, please contact the registry at (709) 729-0066 or coaregistry@appeal.court.nl.ca.